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Best Mattress Selection Guide with Prices

The importance of a good mattress is often overlooked. A large portion of our life is spent sleeping! How sound our sleep is will determine our health. A good mattress can help or damage our sleep. There are few notions fl ....

How to Start a Grocery Store in India

No matter what happens but still Grocery Sells! Any economic down turn, lockdown, agitation, natural calamity cannot stop the sale of Grocery.

Grocery is the basic ....

Wholesale Furniture Market in Dehradun Uttrakhand
Looking to buy Furniture in Dehradun, this article has all the information for that. Below are the various furniture markets of Dehradun.

1) GMS Road:
This road has some Good showrooms of furnit ....
Astrology over simplified!

Human nature is such that it is constantly thinking about the future, questions like will I be successful in future are constantly cropping up in human mind. To get a hint about the future the help of Astrology is taken. T ....

Astrology Social
How Astrology can Help You.
Satisfying curiocity is not the only objective of Astrology. It has some real practical uses.

1) Finding the right partner: It's not just about match making. When a person is ready for marr ....

Timing of Marriage

Timing of marriage is  a question that every man & woman wants to ask an astrologer. When will they get married?

In astrology, depending upon the time you were born, your wheel of karma will be set ....

गंड मूल नक्षत्रों के बारे में जानकारी

जातो न जीवति मातुरपथ्यो भवेत्स्वकुलहन्ता।

यदि जीवति गंडांते बहुगज तुरगो भवेद्भूतः।।


ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार उपर्युक्त श्लोक के द्वारा हम यह सिद्ध कर पाते हैं ,कि अश्विनी आद ....

मानव शरीर में योग-चक्र
मन को वश मे करने के लिए शास्त्रों मे चक्र-भेदन रुपी हथियार को यौगियों ने श्रेष्ठ माना है।

मूलाधार चक्र

यह गुदा और लिंग के बीच चार पंखुड़ियों वाला आधार चक्र है। आधार चक्र का ही दूसरा नाम मूलाधा ....

Being ‘Satvik’: How difficult it is.

Explain what it is to be a satvik to a common person, and ask this question: How difficult it is being a satvik. The reaction would be like:

  • Is it even possible to live like this !
  • I am no ....
Why Moon Sign is our Zodiac Sign
The quickest possible prediction in Astrology is through a persons Zodiac sign. There are various schools of thoughts which determine Zodiac sign by different methods. Like in Western Astrology, zodiac sign is according to th ....