Best Mattress Selection Guide with Prices


Best Mattress Selection Guide with Prices

The importance of a good mattress is often overlooked. A large portion of our life is spent sleeping! How sound our sleep is will determine our health. A good mattress can help or damage our sleep. There are few notions floating in the market, like if you have a back pain problem, you should go for a hard mattress. In my experience that is not always true. I have seen peoples' back pain increasing with a hard mattress. People have different body shapes, thus they should select a mattress according to their body.

Which Mattress will suit me: The answer to this depends upon two things, first your age second your body type. If you are below 35 Years of age you can go for any kind of mattress, when you have such flexibility, then spring mattresses can be a very good choice as they provide maximum comfort. Second factor is your body type, there are many body types, to keep things simple, we can divide it into flat body type and curvy body type. Flat body type people can consider a hard mattress, while a curvy body type would feel more comfortable in a soft mattress. The reason is simple, our spine should be straight when we lie down. If we have a flat body type, we need a hard mattress so that the spine is straight. On the other hand if we have a curvy body type, and we use a hard mattress it will not keep our spine straight. Thus such people will need a soft mattress which can take shape according to their body. 

For the sake of simplification lets divide the mattress into two types. Hard and Soft.

Hard Mattress: A mattress which uses Bonded foam, hard foam, coir etc comes under this category. These mattresses provide a firm base and will not sink in when pressed. Some of the options are as below, click the mattress name to know about Prices and Buying information:


Soft Mattress: A mattress which uses PU Foam, Memory Foam, HR Foam, Latex Foam, Bonnel Spring, Pocket Spring comes under this category. These mattress provide a softer base and will sink in to give comfort to the back.  Some of the options are as below, click the mattress name to know more about Prices and Buying information:

Tags : Business



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