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Meaning and Importance of Shubh Labh
The word Shubh Labh consist of two words, first is Shubh which means auspicious, second word is Labh which means gains. Thus if we join these two words we get 'Auspicious Gains" . Everybody is after g ....
Astrology Social
खटमल और ग्रह-योग

खटमल एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिससे हर कोई विचलित हो जाता है।    इसका मुख्य कारण  है , ....

Being ‘Satvik’: How difficult it is.

Explain what it is to be a satvik to a common person, and ask this question: How difficult it is being a satvik. The reaction would be like:

  • Is it even possible to live like ....
Astrology over simplified!

Human nature is such that it is constantly thinking about the future, questions like will I be successful in future are constantly cropping up in human mind. To get a hint about the future the help ....

Astrology Social